Individual Courses

Take courses to graduate or while you're still enrolled in another school. Get ahead with credit recovery and summer school to accelerate your graduation.

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Individual Courses

What to Expect

Simple Payment Plans
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Full Range of Courses
$150 for a 0.5 (half) Credit - $265 for 1.0 (full) Credit
$250 for Unlimited Courses (up to six concurrent)
Start & Finish at Your Own Pace

Courses Offered

We offer a wide variety of courses to cover every subject you need to graduate!

The courses listed below are courses that we currently support online. If you do not see a course listed that you wish to take then please contact our support staff and we will review additional course options with you. Click on a subject below to see available courses - Click on course name for additional information:


SubjectGrade LevelCourse NameCourse Code
EnglishMSEnglish 6 A & BLA3006
EnglishMSEnglish 7 A & BLA3007
EnglishMSEnglish 8 A & BLA3008
EnglishHSEnglish 9 A & BLA3009
EnglishHSEnglish 10 A & BLA3010
EnglishHSEnglish 11 A & BLA3011
EnglishHSEnglish 12 A & BLA3012


SubjectGrade LevelCourse NameCourse Code
MathMSMath 6 A & BMA3106
MathMSMath 7 A & BMA3107
MathMS/HSMath 8 (Pre-Algebra) A & BMA3108
MathHSAlgebra I A & BMA3109
MathHSGeometry A & BMA3110
MathHSAlgebra II A & BMA3111
MathHSPre-Calculus A & BMA1104
MathHSCalculus A & BMA5186
MathHSFinancial Math A & BMA2007
MathHSMathematical Models with Applications A & BMA4072


SubjectGrade LevelCourse NameCourse Code
ScienceMSLife Science A & BSC3206
ScienceMS/HSEarth Science A & BSC1113
ScienceMSPhysical Science A & BSC3208
ScienceHSBiology A & BSC3209
ScienceHSChemistry A & BSC3210
ScienceHSPhysics A & BSC3211
ScienceHSEnvironmental Science A & BSC2028

Social Studies

SubjectLevelCourse NameCourse Code
Social StudiesMSMS World History A & BSS1105
Social StudiesMSMS U.S. History A & BSS1106
Social StudiesMSMS World Cultures and Geography A & BSS2041
Social StudiesMSMS Civics, Government, and Economics A & BSS2049
Social StudiesHSHuman Geography A & BSS2045
Social StudiesHSWorld History A & BSS3310
Social StudiesHSU.S. History A & BSS3313
Social StudiesHSU.S. GovernmentSS3315
Social StudiesHSEconomicsSS3314

Health and P.E.

SubjectLevelCourse NameCourse Code
Health and P.E.HSHealthy LivingEL2081
Health and P.E.HSFoundations of Personal Wellness A & BEL2082
Health and P.E.HSLifetime FitnessEL2083

Fine Arts

SubjectLevelCourse NameCourse Code
Fine ArtHSIntroduction to ArtEL1086
Fine ArtHSArt History IEL4002
Fine ArtHS3D Art I - ModelingEL5717
Fine ArtHS3D Art II - Animation
Fine ArtHSDigital Arts IEL5719
Fine ArtHSDigital Arts IIEL5720


SubjectLevelCourse NameCourse Code
ElectiveHSAudio EngineeringEL5716
ElectiveMS/HSCareer Exploration A & BEL3401
ElectiveHSCareer Planning and DevelopmentEL4222
ElectiveMS/HSOnline Learning and Digital CitizenshipEL3402
ElectiveHSComputer Applications - MS Office 2010 A & BEL3502
ElectiveHSComputer Science IEL5722
ElectiveHSComputer Science IIEL5723
ElectiveHSIntroduction to Business A & BEL3501
ElectiveHSEngineering Design IEL5728
ElectiveHSEngineering Design IIEL5729
ElectiveHSIntroduction to Communication and SpeechLA1097
ElectiveHSIntroduction to Entrepreneurship IEL5724
ElectiveHSPersonal FinanceEL3403
ElectiveHSPsychology A & BEL2084
ElectiveHSStategies for Academic SuccessEL1087

World Languages

SubjectGrade LevelCourse NameCourse Code
World LanguageMSMS Spanish 1 A & BWL9601
World LanguageMSMS Spanish 2 A & BWL9602
World LanguageHSSpanish I A & BWL9603
World LanguageHSSpanish II A & BWL9604
World LanguageHSSpanish III A & BWL9605
World LanguageHSSpanish IV A & BWL9609
World LanguageHSChinese I A & BWL9643
World LanguageHSChinese II A & BWL9644
World LanguageHSFrench I A & BWL9613
World LanguageHSFrench II A & BWL9614
World LanguageHSFrench III A & BWL9615
World LanguageHSGerman I A & BWL9623
World LanguageHSGerman II A & BWL9624

Test Preparation: ACT - GED - SAT

SubjectGrade LevelCourse NameCourse Code
ACT PrepHSACT Prep Courses A & BVT6001
GED PrepHSGED Prep Courses A & BVT6002
SAT PrepHSSAT Prep Courses A & BVT6003

Flexible, Engaging Curriculum
for All Types of High School Students

Our creative educational solutions allow our students to work at their own pace through our online platform. We help you get ready for a higher education, a new career, and to advance into the competitive workforce.

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